Monday, January 25, 2021

Former Marine arrested for Capitol riot appeared on Ellen after going viral for rescuing dogs after a hurricane


Former Marine arrested for Capitol riot appeared on Ellen after going viral for rescuing dogs after a hurricane more - page web card


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Mikey G shared a picture of his "fish finger sandwich with pizza bread" to Rate My Plate's Facebook page but users didn't hold back when they saw the controversial combination

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Britain's Covid-19 death toll increased by 609 in England, 23 in Wales, 17 in Northern Ireland and four in Scotland as Boris Johnson faced pressure to reopen schools and Nicola Surgeon said there is evidence lockdown restrictions are working

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WARNING - UPSETTING PHOTO: Beccy's devastated family said doctors think her asthma attack had been so severe her brain was deprived of oxygen and she had a cardiac arrest while napping

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Trump press secretary announces run for Arkansas governor

Her father, Mike Huckabee, was the governor of the state from 1996 to 2007

Mon, 25 Jan 2021 14:19:14 GMT

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Austria stops man trying to smuggle in 74 chameleons

Austrian authorities have stopped a man at Vienna airport as he tried to smuggle 74 protected chameleons from Africa into the country
Mon, 25 Jan 2021 14:19:10 GMT

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England’s school children have become the “forgotten victims” of the coronavirus pandemic, Tory MPs have warned as Boris Johnson faces mounting pressure to get kids back into the classroom after the February half-term.

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Thiago Silva has become the first Chelsea player to break their silence on the sacking of Frank Lampard, with the Brazilian thanking his former boss for everything he did page web card

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A five-month-old boy was killed after a van collided with a car and veered into the infant's pram.

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