From falsified medicines to storage mishaps: the fragile state of drug supply chains
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From falsified medicines to storage mishaps: the fragile state of drug supply chains
The increasingly complex production and distribution of medications can have a big impact on people’s health in low-income countries. So how can we ensure the right drugs reach those in need on time?
Many people in high-income countries take it for granted that when they’re sick, the medicine they need will be available. But global pharmaceutical supply chains are incredibly complex, with multiple manufacturing, testing and distribution sites – and an issue at any one of them can lead to delays in ongoing treatments, the use of less suitable medications or even no treatment at all for a patient.
What’s more, nearly half of all medicine stock-outs are due to unknown causes. “The list of disruptions that can hit a medical supply chain for medicines and health products is extremely long, and much less predictable than for a supply chain for other types of commercial goods,” says Lisa Hedman, department of essential medicines and health products at the World Health Organization (WHO).
Continue reading...Thu, 28 Nov 2019 16:32:20 GMT
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Tags: fragile state of, falsified medicines to storage mishaps: the fragile, fragile state, to storage mishaps: the fragile state of, fragile state of, mishaps: the fragile, mishaps: the fragile state of drug
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