Sunday, September 18, 2022

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Sony PlayStation 5 全新「深灰迷彩」配件系列正式发布

Wed, 07 Sep 2022 08:05:28 +0000

Headlines Romanian language: SC Termo Calor Confort 2000 SA Pitești anunță că, începând cu data de 26 septembrie 2022, va proceda la încărcarea cu apă a instalațiilor de alimentare cu energie termică pentru încălzire - SC Termo Calor Confort 2000 SA Pitești anunță că, începând cu data de 26 septembrie 2022, va proceda la încărcarea cu apă a instalațiilor de alimentare cu energie termică pentru încălzire, în vederea pregătirii rețelei de termoficare ...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

Sony PlayStation 5 全新「深灰迷彩」配件系列正式发布


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Sony PlayStation 5 全新「深灰迷彩」配件系列正式发布



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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Detienen en el Paseo de Cánovas de Cáceres a un varón tras una trifulca con el dueño de un bar - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:35:35 +0200 Tanzania: Govt Allays Fears Over Harmful Chemicals Used for Preserving Fish - AllAfrica - Top Africa News - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:12:26 GMT
Sénégal: le concert panafricain pour la limitation des mandats présidentiels interdit - Anadolu Agency | Français - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:23:14 GMT Umno info chief: Hard to work with Hadi due to provocative remarks - Malaysiakini - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:26:56 GMT
Fights, freezing and fainting: What it was like queuing through the night to see the Queen’s coffin - The Independent - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 13:30:23 GMT The Porsche Tequipment Roof Tent Means You Never Have to Leave Your 911's Side - Sun, 11 Sep 2022 08:44:41 +0000
Twitter Shareholders Vote To Approve Elon Musk’s $44 Billion USD Twitter Deal - Tue, 13 Sep 2022 20:14:57 +0000 YOURSAY | Party-hopper Afif is also guilty of name-calling - Malaysiakini - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 23:03:23 GMT
Langer ut mot NHO og Virke: – Vi hadde ikke godkjent denne strømpakken - - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 16:50:58 GMT Más de 1.000 vecinos de Puerto Naos y La Bombilla continúan desalojados un año después de la erupción - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:04:52 +0200
Headlines Romanian language: Programul de funcționare al zonei de picnic de la Făget în sezonul rece - Programul de funcționare al zonei de picnic de la Făget în sezonul rece Pentru că vremea s-a răcit considerabil, începând cu data de 19 septembrie, zona amenajată pentru desfășurarea de activități de picnic din cartierul Făget, ora ...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

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بعد تصريحاته عن الرئيس ووزير الداخلية.. إيقاف داعية تونسي مثير للجدل

بايدن يحذر بوتين: لا تفعل.. هذه الخطوة ستغير وجه الحرب في أوكرانيا

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:15:37 +0400

Arabic language

بايدن يحذر بوتين: لا تفعل.. هذه الخطوة ستغير وجه الحرب في أوكرانيا


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بايدن يحذر بوتين: لا تفعل.. هذه الخطوة ستغير وجه الحرب في أوكرانيا


بعد تحذيرات روسية من أنها سترد بقوة أكبر إذا تعرضت قواتها لمزيد من الضغط في أوكرانيا، حث الرئيس الأمريكي، موسكو على عدم استخدام الأسلحة النووية.

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Headlines Romanian language: Apă Canal 2000 continuă investiţiile pentru îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă potabilă -  Societatea Apă Canal 2000 pune un accent deosebit pe modernizarea, reabilitarea şi dezvoltarea sistemului de alimentare cu apă a localităţilor din aria sa de operare, sens în care a implementat proiecte cu finanţare europeană, dar şi progr...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

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Headlines: Arabic language

إحراق منازل ومركبات في العاصمة عمّان.. تفاصيل جريمة قتل ثلاثيني داخل سيارته بالرصاص

"من أين تأتي مياه الأرض؟".. 7 أسئلة كونية مثيرة سيجيبنا عنها التلسكوب جيمس ويب

خوفا من إعصار "غير مسبوق".. اليابان تدعو آلاف المواطنين لإخلاء منازلهم

لمواجهة السكري.. إليك قائمة بأفضل الأطعمة

يموتون ببطء غارقين بـ”البراز” واللبن والعسل.. “السكافيزم” أفظع أساليب الإعدام في الإمبراطورية الفارسية

ضحايا بأعضاء تناسلية مشوَّهة.. "الحمار الإسباني" أداة تعذيب من محاكم التفتيش إلى أوروبا وأمريكا

ضحايا بأعضاء تناسلية مشوَّهة.. "الحمار الإسباني" أداة تعذيب من محاكم التفتيش إلى أوروبا وأمريكا

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 20:29:00 +0000

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গড়বেতায় মদ্যপ অবস্থায় নাবালিকাকে গণধর্ষণ! ৫ অভিযুক্তকে গ্রেফতার

রাস্তা ভর্তি খানাখন্দে, জমা জলে সাঁতার কাটছে হাঁস! প্রাণের ঝুঁকি নিয়ে যাতায়াত মালদহে

বঙ্গোপসাগরে চোখ রাঙাচ্ছে ঘূর্ণাবর্ত, দক্ষিণবঙ্গে বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা, কেমন থাকবে কলকাতার আবহাওয়া

বাকিদের বার্তা দিলেন গেহলট? ‘সর্বভারতীয় সভাপতি রাহুল’, প্রস্তাব পাশ রাজস্থান কংগ্রেসে

পুলিশ লকআপে বন্দির ঝুলন্ত দেহ উদ্ধার! বাঁকুড়ায় থানার সামনে তুমুল বিক্ষোভ

৬০ ছাত্রীর স্নানের ভিডিও ভাইরাল হতেই ৮ জনের আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা, চণ্ডীগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় তোলপাড়

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:56:05 +0000

Bengali language

৬০ ছাত্রীর স্নানের ভিডিও ভাইরাল হতেই ৮ জনের আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা, চণ্ডীগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় তোলপাড়


Headlines Romanian language: Restricții de circulație pe A1 - Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că astăzi, între orele 09.00 - 14.00, circulaţia va fi restricţionată pe prima bandă pe A1 Bucureşti - Piteşti, pe sensul către capitală, la km 109+300 m, pentru...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language
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৬০ ছাত্রীর স্নানের ভিডিও ভাইরাল হতেই ৮ জনের আত্মহত্যার চেষ্টা, চণ্ডীগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় তোলপাড়


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: হোস্টেলে (girls hostel) দল বেঁধে স্নান করছিল ছাত্রীরা। গোপনে এক ছাত্রী স্নানের দৃশ্য মোবাইল বন্দি করে পাঠিয়ে দেয় সিমলার বন্ধুর কাছে। সেই তরুণ সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় আপলোড (videos leaked) করে দেয় স্নানের ভিডিওটি। সেই দৃশ্য ভাইরাল হতেই লজ

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Headlines: Bengali language

Aarohi News Live | Bangla News |

মার্লিন গ্রুপের সহযোগিতায় মার্লিন সিএসজেসি ফুটবল টুর্নামেন্ট ২০২২

মার্লিন গ্রুপের সহযোগিতায় মার্লিন সিএসজেসি ফুটবল টুর্নামেন্ট ২০২২

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 19:55:54 +0530

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Headlines from the web

Las familias critican el retraso al contratar especialistas para los colegios con niños con discapacidad


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 05:00:00 +0200

Headlines from the web

Bộ Y tế nói về nguyên nhân 'làn sóng mạnh mẽ' chuyển dịch nhân viên y tế từ công sang tư - Tuổi Trẻ Online

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:29:00 GMT

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Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:11:05 +0800

Chinese language



Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Headlines: Chinese language




Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:22:37 +0000

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Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin reverses protections for transgender students

Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:29:19 -0400

English language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


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Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


President Biden — and his massive security detail — arrived in London Saturday ahead of the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Headlines: English language

Inside Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner's Dating Relationship & Married Life

Inside Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner's Dating Relationship & Married Life

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:05:00 GMT

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Headlines from the web

Ber Oslo-folk være forberedt på krisetid. Det vil merkes i budsjettet. - Aftenposten

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:30:19 GMT

Headlines from the web

Sánchez exhibe unidad en el PSOE y llama a sus barones a salir a ganar las elecciones


Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:39:58 GMT

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Affaire Pogba : Mathias Pogba et quatre hommes incarcérés

Mort de la reine Elizabeth II : La reine consort Camilla rend hommage à Elizabeth II

Tempête Fiona : Météo-France rétrograde la Guadeloupe en vigilance orange

Réforme des retraites : François Bayrou met en garde contre tout « passage en force »

Des milliers de militants LGBTQ + ont défilé à Belgrade malgré l’interdiction des autorités

Mort d’Elizabeth II : La célèbre enseigne Harrods porte le deuil de la reine jusque sur ses vitrines

Kazakhstan : La capitale renommée Astana, le mandat du président passe à sept ans non renouvelable

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 05:00:26 +0000

French language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

La capitale du Kazakhstan renommée Astana, le mandat présidentiel réduit


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La capitale du Kazakhstan renommée Astana, le mandat présidentiel réduit


Le président s'éloigne de plus en plus de l'héritage de son autoritaire prédécesseur

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Headlines: French language

Grand Baromètre: le nucléaire? Les gens en redemandent

Marcourt s’en prend à Belfius aux Fêtes de Wallonie: «Choqué de voir une banque nous donner des leçons»

Marcourt s’en prend à Belfius aux Fêtes de Wallonie: «Choqué de voir une banque nous donner des leçons»

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 17:45:00 +0200

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Die Linke bröselt und bröselt – aber zerfällt nicht

Stickstoff-Mangel kann zu eklatanten Ausfällen bei der Lebensmittelproduktion führen

"Die Produktion von Stickstoffdünger ist systemrelevant"

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 05:38:31 +0200

German language


"Die Produktion von Stickstoffdünger ist systemrelevant" | MDR.DE


Headlines Romanian language: Pitești: A început campania ????????????????????????????̆ ????????????-???????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? - Astăzi, 16 septembrie 2022 a început campania „????????????????????????????̆ ????????????-???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????”. Locuitorii din orașul Pitești și din alte 64 de orașe din toate județele țării vor putea călăt...(Citește tot articolul) - Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language
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"Die Produktion von Stickstoffdünger ist systemrelevant" | MDR.DE


Landwirte kämpfen derzeit mit hohen Preisen für Stickstoff. Der Chef des Düngemittel-Händlers Agravis befürchtet spätestens im Frühjahr größere logistische Probleme.

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Headlines: German language

Experten-Tipps für den Berlin-Marathon und Laufkalender für den Herbst

Union-Trainer Fischer über Kruse: „Hatten eine gute Zeit!“

Til Schweiger: „Ich bin ein großer Verdränger“

So können Sie bei Strom, Heizung, Lebensmitteln und Sprit richtig viel Geld sparen

So können Sie bei Strom, Heizung, Lebensmitteln und Sprit richtig viel Geld sparen

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:09:03 +0200

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Headlines from the web

戦争の記憶を継承 32軍壕の在り方を模索 長野県、松代壕で考える 沖縄県 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス プレミアム


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 13:45:00 +0900

Headlines from the web

Drug testing for Gardaí set to come into effect later this year -

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 20:25:00 GMT

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दलितों के बिना अधूरा है हिंदुत्व : भाजपा नेता पासवान

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:10:00 +0530

Hindi language

दलितों के बिना अधूरा है हिंदुत्व : भाजपा नेता पासवान


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दलितों के बिना अधूरा है हिंदुत्व : भाजपा नेता पासवान


पासवान वर्तमान में अमेरिका के दौरे पर हैं। उन्होंने ‘‘दलित बहुजन एकजुटता नेटवर्क’’ पर सिलिकॉन वैली के साथ-साथ लॉस एंजिलिस में लोगों को संबोधित किया। लॉस एंजिलिस में उन्होंने ‘‘दलित, बहुजन और हिंदुत्व’’ कार्यक्रम में प्रवासी भारतीय समुदाय के लोगों के साथ बातचीत की।

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Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Headlines: Hindi language

पीएम मोदी ने अपने 72वें जन्मदिन पर नामीबिया से आए आठ चीतों को कूनो राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में छोड़ा

नेशनल क्रश और बॉलीवुड डेब्यूटेंट रश्मिका मंदाना अपनी आनेवाली फिल्म ‘गुडबाय’ का प्रचार करनेे दिल्ली पहुंचीं

रॉय कपूर फिल्म्स पान नलिन की अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रशंसित फ़िल्म छेलो शो को लाएंगे भारतीय सिनेमा में

रॉय कपूर फिल्म्स पान नलिन की अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रशंसित फ़िल्म छेलो शो को लाएंगे भारतीय सिनेमा में

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 09:47:00 +0000

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


I sei leader sotto la lente: punti di forza e di debolezza per la corsa a premier

Casini: «Rappresento il Pd senza alcun imbarazzo. Sgarbi? Non casco nelle sue provocazioni»

Il raduno a Monza con 500 sindaci pd. Letta sfida la destra nella partita del Nord

Letizia Moratti: «Il mio futuro? Dopo il voto mi aspetto una risposta definitiva. Pronta per la Lombardia»

William e Harry uniti dalla veglia dei nipoti, omaggio silenzioso alla regina

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 00:15:20 +0200

Italian language

Headlines Romanian language: Apă Canal 2000 continuă investiţiile pentru îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă potabilă -  Societatea Apă Canal 2000 pune un accent deosebit pe modernizarea, reabilitarea şi dezvoltarea sistemului de alimentare cu apă a localităţilor din aria sa de operare, sens în care a implementat proiecte cu finanţare europeană, dar şi progr...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

William e Harry uniti dalla veglia, omaggio silenzioso alla regina


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William e Harry uniti dalla veglia, omaggio silenzioso alla regina


Riuniti, ancora una volta, dall’affetto per la nonna che forse ha realizzato quest’ultimo desiderio, di averli con lei nell’ultimo addio. Vicini. Per la veglia dei nipoti alla camera ardente a Westminster Hall

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Headlines: Italian language

Come l’inflazione influenzerà la Fed

Energia e non solo, ecco le misure del decreto Aiuti ter

Tutte le sberle di Draghi a Salvini (e non solo a Salvini)

La campagna elettorale di Mario Draghi

Quanto sprofonderà la bilancia commerciale di Italia e Germania?

Tutte le mire anti Usa della Cina con lo yuan

Tutte le mire anti Usa della Cina con lo yuan

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 06:47:05 +0000

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Headlines from the web

アヤネさん、ホットパンツ穿きの部屋着姿でパチリ 「一番好きな方が撮ってくれた」


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 09:52:35 +0900

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Navy jet crashes into Texas neighborhood after colliding with bird: Video


Sat, 17 Sep 2022 19:07:13 -0400

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「クイナの日」に3羽を初公開 山原の自然について学ぶイベントを開いた 沖縄こどもの国 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

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海に不法投棄、見てるよ~! 沖縄・宮古島市の子ども会 海岸線に看板を設置「ゴミ捨てないで」 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 13:15:00 +0900

Japanese language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

海に不法投棄、見てるよ~! 沖縄・宮古島市の子ども会 海岸線に看板を設置「ゴミ捨てないで」 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


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海に不法投棄、見てるよ~! 沖縄・宮古島市の子ども会 海岸線に看板を設置「ゴミ捨てないで」 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス



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Headlines: Japanese language

東京都、目黒川が氾濫のおそれ 警戒レベル4相当の氾濫警戒情報発表


東京23区などで激しい雨 都市河川が増水するおそれも、氾濫に警戒

東京23区などで激しい雨 都市河川が増水するおそれも、氾濫に警戒

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 13:40:00 +0900

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04h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

03h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

02h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 02:39:02 +0000

Portuguese language

02h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro


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02h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro


RTP Notícias - Descrição

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Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Robbie Williams mostra-se completamente nu e faz revelação espantosa sobre… o seu pénis

Robbie Williams mostra-se completamente nu e faz revelação espantosa sobre… o seu pénis

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:30:40 +0000

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Headlines from the web

مصرع سائق دراجة ثلاثية في حادث اصطدام مع سيارة بطنجة


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:30:04 GMT

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Pregnant Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds 'hoping for boy' in pregnancy number four


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:44:19 +0000

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Dacia prezintă un nou prototip: Manifesto

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

Dacia prezintă un nou prototip: Manifesto


Headlines Romanian language: Săptămâna Europeană a Mobilității la Pitești: 16-22 septembrie 2022 - Municipiul Pitești se alătură, și în acest an, orașelor europene și nu numai, care răspund inițiativei Comisiei Europene ce încearcă găsirea de soluţii inovatoare la problemele actuale de mobilitate urbană - Săptămâna Europeană a Mo...(Citește tot articolul) - Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language
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Dacia prezintă un nou prototip: Manifesto


Dacia prezintă ultimul său prototip: Manifesto este întruchiparea perfectă a valorilor mărcii Dacia. Este un vehicul simplu, cu un design robust și ecologic, care va fi apreciat imediat de toată lumea. Cu acest prototip, cultivăm spiritul de libertate, prin crearea unui mod ușor și accesibil de a ne bucura de aer curat, atât atunci când călătorim în interes de serviciu, cât și atunci când ne relaxăm. Prototipul Dacia Manifesto Manifesto este un SUV decapotabil ultra-compact, pentru ca pasagerii să simtă legătura cu natura. Acest tovarăș de drum ușor și silențios pune accent pe agilitate și mai puțin pe viteză. Cu acest tip de vehicul poți aproviziona cu ușurință cabanele montane sau ajunge în locuri izolate. Manifesto nu va fi disponibil pentru vânzare, dar include toate inovațiile Dacia, inclusiv cele existente deja pe unele dintre modelele noastre și care vor fi disponibile în curând pentru toată gama; cele care urmează să fie lansate; și cele care explorează idei noi, ce vor fi dezvăluite în viitor. Cu Manifesto, Dacia își reafirmă viziunea privind un vehicul simplu, modern, robust, accesibil și ecologic.

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Headlines: Romanian language

Sefer, într-un moment de grație, cu convocare la națională și prelungire de contract: „Nu mi-am dorit cu toată inima să plec de la Rapid”

Ce scriu italienii despre Dennis Man, care a făcut slalom printre adversari și a înscris pentru Parma: „Părea a fi prologul pentru o nouă evoluție dezamăgitoare”

Ce scriu italienii despre Dennis Man, care a făcut slalom printre adversari și a înscris pentru Parma: „Părea a fi prologul pentru o nouă evoluție dezamăgitoare”

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:18:41 +0300

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Los barones arropan a Feijóo y prometen arrasar en las urnas frente a un Sánchez "blandengue"

Von der Leyen reivindica para el PP un nuevo "equilibrio economía - trabajadores"

Ucrania da el golpe: arrebata la iniciativa militar a Rusia, que ya nota las sanciones

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 13:02:26 +0200

Spanish language

Ucrania da un golpe al tablero y arrebata la iniciativa militar a Rusia, que ya nota el efecto de las sanciones en su economía


Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Ucrania da un golpe al tablero y arrebata la iniciativa militar a Rusia, que ya nota el efecto de las sanciones en su economía


Toda guerra tiene una batalla o un instante que puede cambiarlo todo. En Ucrania, una ola de optimismo recorre el país desde que el pasado fin de semana decenas de poblaciones fueron recuperadas en el noreste del país. En poco más de cuatro días la contraofensiva y posterior retirada rusa de Járkov se convirtió en el símbolo de que la victoria en la que nadie creía era posible. Aunque todavía es pronto para aventurarse a decir que esto será un punto de inflexión en el conflicto, y más en una guerra tan desigual, lo que está claro es que la iniciativa ha cambiado de bando. El optimismo ucraniano choca con los mensajes que salen de Rusia, donde tímidas críticas internas y una economía que empieza a ver el efecto de las sanciones amenazan con derribar la narrativa del Kremlin.

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Headlines: Spanish language

Mayra Oyola-Merced, colaboradora de la NASA: "Es posible que España sufra un huracán de categoría 5"

Otoño caliente en el Gobierno: PSOE y Podemos marcan perfil propio en el inicio del curso

Sánchez anuncia 172 millones para Atención Primaria y la rebaja del IVA del gas

Sánchez anuncia 172 millones para Atención Primaria y la rebaja del IVA del gas

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:07:38 +0200

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Taylor Swift Gives Fans A Sneak Peek Into The Making Of ‘Midnights!’ - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:00:38 +0000 Zelenski o masakru u Izjumu: Sahranjene CELE PORODICE i ljudi koji su mučeni - - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 07:48:00 GMT
Wall Street termine en baisse, l'avertissement de FedEx renforce la crainte de récession - 2022-09-16T21:33:04+00:00 Bruno Lourenço brilhou e Boavista venceu o Sporting na Liga Bwin - O Jogo - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 20:29:00 GMT
Nowi sędziowie wyznaczeni do orzekania w Izbie Odpowiedzialności Zawodowej SN - Onet - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:56:02 GMT Biden to pay respects to Queen in Westminster Hall after touching down in UK - Sky News - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:50:28 GMT
戦争の記憶を継承 32軍壕の在り方を模索 長野県、松代壕で考える 沖縄県 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス プレミアム - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 13:45:00 +0900 На Херсонщине уничтожили баржу РФ, которой хотели доставлять вооружение и технику - ОК "Юг" - УНИАН - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 00:44:00 GMT
米フィラデルフィア出身のラッパー PnB Rock が銃撃を受け死去 - Wed, 14 Sep 2022 01:59:52 +0000 El Valencia arrolla al Celta en el día de Cavani - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 17:45:21 +0200
Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Headlines Romanian language: Se oprește apa în Mărăcineni - Societatea Apă Canal 2000 S.A. operează astăzi, 15.09.2022, o lucrare complexă pentru remedierea unei avarii complexe, survenite la o arteră din rețeaua de distribuție a apei potabile, din Mărăcineni, strada Argeșelu.  Ca urmare a ...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

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