Sunday, September 18, 2022

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The Latest 'SPY x FAMILY' Season 1 Part 2 Trailer Reveals New Opening Theme Song

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 20:49:08 +0000

The Latest 'SPY x FAMILY' Season 1 Part 2 Trailer Reveals New Opening Theme Song


Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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The Latest 'SPY x FAMILY' Season 1 Part 2 Trailer Reveals New Opening Theme Song


Titled "SOUVENIR" by the band BUMP OF CHICKEN.

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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Ukraine war - latest: Russia facing calls for war crimes tribunal over mass graves - The Independent - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:06:22 GMT Tanzania: Govt Allays Fears Over Harmful Chemicals Used for Preserving Fish - AllAfrica - Top Africa News - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:12:26 GMT
Liberation, integration, negotiation, and more: How Hyderabad became a part of India - The Indian Express - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 13:57:20 GMT US officials in tense Harare car chase with suspected CIO agents; leading Senator blasts Mnangagwa aggression and demands Biden action - New - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 02:13:22 GMT
Fights, freezing and fainting: What it was like queuing through the night to see the Queen’s coffin - The Independent - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 13:30:23 GMT Alluvione Marche news, 11 morti e 2 dispersi. Senigallia, una giornata di paura. Diretta - Cronaca - il Resto del Carlino - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 02:28:47 GMT
From tax cuts to energy credits and petrol prices: Here's everything we know so far about how Budget 2023 affects you - - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT Flooded Kolpa River, others rise - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:59:44 +0000
走进全新《K11 工艺卧游 Voyage de Savoir-Faire》展览 - Fri, 09 Sep 2022 07:44:29 +0000 PTI to launch protest against runaway inflation: Fawad Chaudhry - The News International - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 00:55:47 GMT
Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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27 قتيلا في انقلاب حافلة بالصين

إعصار نانمادول يجتاح جزيرة يابانية.. رياح "لم يسبق لها مثيل"

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 10:32:22 +0400

Arabic language

إعصار نانمادول يجتاح جزيرة يابانية.. رياح "لم يسبق لها مثيل"


Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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إعصار نانمادول يجتاح جزيرة يابانية.. رياح "لم يسبق لها مثيل"


اجتاح إعصار نانمادول جزيرة كيوشو الرئيسية في أقصى جنوب اليابان اليوم الأحد.

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Headlines: Arabic language

أسوأ المخاوف.. العالم يخاطر بسيناريو "يوم القيامة"

احتفالاً بعيد ميلاده ال60.. «الرجل العنكبوت» يتسلق ناطحة سحاب بباريس

أوكرانيا تعلن مقتل 62 جنديا روسيًا في منطقة العمليات الجنوبية

أوكرانيا تعلن مقتل 62 جنديا روسيًا في منطقة العمليات الجنوبية

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:34:05 GMT

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বিশ্বকর্মা পুজোয় গিয়ে গণধর্ষণের শিকার! সকালে রক্তাক্ত অবস্থায় বাড়ি ফিরল বীরভূমের নাবালিকা

মোহালিতে কোহলিরা, করোনা আক্রান্ত সামি অনিশ্চিত অস্ট্রেলিয়া সিরিজে

লাভ জিহাদ: উত্তরপ্রদেশে প্রথম সাজা, ৫ বছর জেল, ৪০ হাজার টাকা জরিমানা মুসলিম যুবকের

গড়বেতায় মদ্যপ অবস্থায় নাবালিকাকে গণধর্ষণ! ৫ অভিযুক্তকে গ্রেফতার

রাস্তা ভর্তি খানাখন্দে, জমা জলে সাঁতার কাটছে হাঁস! প্রাণের ঝুঁকি নিয়ে যাতায়াত মালদহে

বঙ্গোপসাগরে চোখ রাঙাচ্ছে ঘূর্ণাবর্ত, দক্ষিণবঙ্গে বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা, কেমন থাকবে কলকাতার আবহাওয়া

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 05:00:01 +0000

Bengali language

বঙ্গোপসাগরে চোখ রাঙাচ্ছে ঘূর্ণাবর্ত, দক্ষিণবঙ্গে বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা, কেমন থাকবে কলকাতার আবহাওয়া


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বঙ্গোপসাগরে চোখ রাঙাচ্ছে ঘূর্ণাবর্ত, দক্ষিণবঙ্গে বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা, কেমন থাকবে কলকাতার আবহাওয়া


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: মরসুমের শুরুর দিকে দাপট না দেখলেও শেষের দিকে দক্ষিণবঙ্গে ঝোড়ো ব্যাটিং করছে বর্ষা (Weather Update)। নিম্নচাপের জেরে প্রতিদিনই মাঝারি থেকে ভারী বৃষ্টিপাত (Rainfall) হচ্ছে কলকাতা (Kolkata) সহ দক্ষিণবঙ্গের একাধিক জেলায়। তবে দুর্যোগের ম

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Headlines Romanian language: SC Termo Calor Confort 2000 SA Pitești anunță că, începând cu data de 26 septembrie 2022, va proceda la încărcarea cu apă a instalațiilor de alimentare cu energie termică pentru încălzire - SC Termo Calor Confort 2000 SA Pitești anunță că, începând cu data de 26 septembrie 2022, va proceda la încărcarea cu apă a instalațiilor de alimentare cu energie termică pentru încălzire, în vederea pregătirii rețelei de termoficare ...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

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Headlines: Bengali language

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Headlines from the web

La nueva guerra fría de Putin: congelar a Europa


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:03:52 +0000

Headlines from the web

Street Style: 2023 春夏紐約時裝周街頭鞋款趨勢


Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:12:21 +0000

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Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:10:58 +0800

Chinese language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM



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Headlines: Chinese language

乌克兰伊久姆重现布查镇惨象 泽连斯基:俄罗斯必须受到谴责

欧洲议会压倒性通过“台海情势决议文” 呼吁欧盟加强与台关系

欧盟重申对乌克兰不懈支持 美国向乌增加6亿美元军援

伊朗加入上合组织 习近平会晤莱希

对华政策跨国议会联盟发布公报 因应中国的胁迫与恐吓

对华政策跨国议会联盟发布公报 因应中国的胁迫与恐吓

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 09:08:06 +0000

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Man who dressed up as Batman villain sentenced for making terrorist threat

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin reverses protections for transgender students

Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:29:19 -0400

English language

Headlines Romanian language: Programul de funcționare al zonei de picnic de la Făget în sezonul rece - Programul de funcționare al zonei de picnic de la Făget în sezonul rece Pentru că vremea s-a răcit considerabil, începând cu data de 19 septembrie, zona amenajată pentru desfășurarea de activități de picnic din cartierul Făget, ora ...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


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Biden arrives in London ahead of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral


President Biden — and his massive security detail — arrived in London Saturday ahead of the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Headlines: English language

The Divider Exposes the Immaturity of Trump and His Lack of Respect for America

Nevada Residents: Lombardo and Laxalt Are Second-String Trump Wannabes

Banning History Is the Most Backwards Move of All by the Right-Wing

Climate Control the Great Debate

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Find the Yin in This Yang Life

Find the Yin in This Yang Life

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 21:18:41 +0000

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Headlines from the web

Hàng chục người Việt tháo chạy khỏi casino ở Campuchia - VietNamNet

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:16:00 GMT

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Sat, 17 Sep 2022 11:56:14 GMT

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Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:00:34 +0000

French language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

Le Japon se prépare à l’arrivée du « très dangereux » typhon Nanmadold


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Le Japon se prépare à l’arrivée du « très dangereux » typhon Nanmadold


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Headlines: French language

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Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:34:00 +0000

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


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Energiekrise: Grafiken zu Gas, Strom und Sprit | MDR.DE


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दलितों के बिना अधूरा है हिंदुत्व : भाजपा नेता पासवान

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दुनिया के निरंकुश देशों के साथ नजदीकियां बढ़ा रहा है रूस, पश्चिम के लिए चेतावनी

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:10:00 +0530

Hindi language

दुनिया के निरंकुश देशों के साथ नजदीकियां बढ़ा रहा है रूस, पश्चिम के लिए चेतावनी


Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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दुनिया के निरंकुश देशों के साथ नजदीकियां बढ़ा रहा है रूस, पश्चिम के लिए चेतावनी


अमेरिका की एक हालिया खुफिया रिपोर्ट में खुलासा हुआ है कि रूस, उत्तर कोरिया से सोवियत काल के ‘‘लाखों’’ हथियार खरीदने की योजना बना रहा है। ब्रिटेन के रक्षा खुफिया तंत्र ने भी इसकी पुष्टि की है कि रूस पहले ही यूक्रेन में ईरान द्वारा निर्मित ड्रोन का इस्तेमाल कर रहा है।

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Headlines: Hindi language

मदरसों के सर्वे के विरोध में दारुल उलूम में यूपी के मदरसों का सम्मेलन शुरू, फैसले पर टिकीं सभी की निगाहें

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प्रधानमंत्री के जन्मदिवस पर मुख्यमंत्री ने चारों धामों में कराई विशेष पूजा अर्चना

प्रधानमंत्री के जन्मदिवस पर मुख्यमंत्री ने चारों धामों में कराई विशेष पूजा अर्चना

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:06:25 +0000

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Marche, i fondi stanziati nell’86: tutto fermo ancora oggi. Così il fiume Misa è rimasto area a rischio

Il papà di Mattia, bambino disperso: «La sua felpa era vicino al ponte. Cercatelo lì, è tutta la mia vita»

Cambiamento climatico e ambiente, ecco cosa non funziona nei programmi dei partiti

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I sei leader sotto la lente: punti di forza e di debolezza per la corsa a premier

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:08:21 +0200

Italian language

I sei leader sotto la lente: punti di forza e di debolezza per la corsa a presidente del Consiglio


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I sei leader sotto la lente: punti di forza e di debolezza per la corsa a presidente del Consiglio


Il bilancio di strategie, tentativi di cambiare ed errori. E l’ultima settimana può riservare sorprese

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Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Headlines: Italian language

Serie A: Milan-Napoli, formazioni

Serie A: Milan-Napoli, formazioni

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 22:32:05 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Oktoberfest 2022 - Schon kurz nach Anstich muss das neue CT-Gerät eingesetzt werden


Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:40:06 +0200

Headlines from the web

Ex-Umweltministerin: Hendricks: Wirtschaft hatte höhere Priorität als Klima


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:09:11 +0200

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


沖縄コロナ534人感染 前週比187人減 29日連続で前週を下回る【9月18日昼】 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 15:37:00 +0900

Japanese language

沖縄コロナ534人感染 前週比187人減 29日連続で前週を下回る【9月18日昼】 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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沖縄コロナ534人感染 前週比187人減 29日連続で前週を下回る【9月18日昼】 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス



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Headlines: Japanese language






Tue, 13 Sep 2022 03:32:51 +0000

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


07h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

06h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

05h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

04h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 04:20:01 +0000

Portuguese language

Headlines Romanian language: Restricții de circulație pe A1 - Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că astăzi, între orele 09.00 - 14.00, circulaţia va fi restricţionată pe prima bandă pe A1 Bucureşti - Piteşti, pe sensul către capitală, la km 109+300 m, pentru...(Citește tot articolul) - Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300 - SAIL - Translate into your language

04h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro


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04h00 - Edição de João Couraceiro


RTP Notícias - Descrição

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Mercedes-AMG One traz tecnologia da F-1 para as ruas

Não podiam faltar! Memes chovem com derrota do Paysandu

Não podiam faltar! Memes chovem com derrota do Paysandu

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 00:13:17 GMT

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Headlines from the web

Luis Bellomo envió sus salutaciones a Nuevo Diario por el 31º Aniversario


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 01:28:12 GMT

Headlines from the web

Restrições nos acessos às praias da Arrábida terminam este domingo


Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:14:57 +0100

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


Dacia prezintă un nou prototip: Manifesto

Pitești: A început campania ????????????????????????????̆ ????????????-???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????

Peste două săptămâni are loc campania de colectare a deșeurilor voluminoase și DEEE!

Săptămâna Europeană a Mobilității la Pitești: 16-22 septembrie 2022

Apă Canal 2000 continuă investiţiile pentru îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă potabilă

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

Apă Canal 2000 continuă investiţiile pentru îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă potabilă


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Apă Canal 2000 continuă investiţiile pentru îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă potabilă


 Societatea Apă Canal 2000 pune un accent deosebit pe modernizarea, reabilitarea şi dezvoltarea sistemului de alimentare cu apă a localităţilor din aria sa de operare, sens în care a implementat proiecte cu finanţare europeană, dar şi programe de investiţii finanţate din surse proprii. Astfel, în Programul de investiţii pe anul 2022 a fost cuprins şi proiectul „Extindere rețea de apă, str. Codrii Cosminului, mun. Piteşti‟, lucrările de execuţie din cadrul acestuia fiind finalizate. Această investiţie, în valoare de 144.772 lei fără TVA, vine să rezolve o problemă foarte importantă a cetățenilor din zona respectivă, şi anume asigurarea debitului şi presiunii apei potabile la parametri corespunzători, precum şi montarea unui hidrant stradal necesar în caz de incendiu. Lucrările pentru realizarea acestui obiectiv au fost realizate de societatea Apă Canal 2000, cu personal propriu, pe Str. Codrii Cosminului şi Aleea Ţinutul Herţa, după cum urmează: - conductă alimentare cu apă din PEHD, PN 10, DN 110 mm, L = 103 m; - conductă alimentare cu apă din PEHD, PN 10, DN 63 mm, L = 23 m. Obiectivul general al acestei investiţii îl reprezintă îmbunătăţirea infrastructurii de apă prin extinderea şi dezvoltarea serviciului de alimentare cu apă potabilă, controlată microbiologic, în condiţii de siguranţă şi protecţie, spre beneficiul populaţiei şi al mediului, ceea ce determină conformarea calităţii apei potabile la prevederile actelor normative de reglementare şi ale legislaţiei în vigoare. Societatea Apă Canal 2000 SA va continua să întreprindă şi alte măsuri pentru asigurarea conformă a serviciilor, fiind preocupată permanent de furnizarea unor servicii de calitate şi de îmbunătăţirea relaţiei cu clienţii săi.

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Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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Headlines: Romanian language

Compania Mol a anunțat benzinăriile partenere din Ungaria că e posibil să le livreze doar un sfert din cantitățile contractete după ce guvernul a prelungit plafonarea prețului carburanților

Compania Mol a anunțat benzinăriile partenere din Ungaria că e posibil să le livreze doar un sfert din cantitățile contractete după ce guvernul a prelungit plafonarea prețului carburanților

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:13:07 +0000

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M u s i c a l S c o r e
M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


La izquierda a la izquierda del PSOE se deshilacha pese a la llamada de Díaz a una "amnistía" de cara a las locales y autonómicas

Los barones del PP arropan a Feijóo y se conjuran ante un Sánchez "blandengue"

General Rafael Dávila: "No nos engañemos, esto es una guerra entre EE UU y Rusia"

Putin reacciona a sus reveses exhibiendo submarinos nucleares cerca de Alaska

Scholz habla con Putin: "He de decir que he apreciado movimientos en él"

Nuevos tambores de guerra a las puertas de Europa: las claves de un conflicto que puede prender el Cáucaso

Moncloa da por imposible el apoyo del PP en el impuesto energético: "Han optado por el populismo fiscal"

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:18:23 +0200

Spanish language

Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

Moncloa da por imposible el apoyo del PP en el impuesto energético: "Han optado por el populismo fiscal"


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Moncloa da por imposible el apoyo del PP en el impuesto energético: "Han optado por el populismo fiscal"


Entre el Gobierno y el Partido Popular no hay puente levantado que valga. Al montón de acusaciones cruzadas a colación del casi infinito retraso en la renovación...

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Headlines: Spanish language

Estampas de independencia

No hay hambre ajena

No hay hambre ajena

Sun, 18 Sep 2022 06:05:16 +0000

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M u s i c a l S c o r e
Ex-Umweltministerin: Hendricks: Wirtschaft hatte höhere Priorität als Klima - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 08:09:11 +0200 [BGL Ligue] Fola : Lenny Almada passe au révélateur Rayan Philippe - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 03:00:28 +0000
페라리부터 테슬라까지, 자동차 브랜드의 모델 작명법은? - Fri, 16 Sep 2022 08:11:31 +0000 Папа Франциск прийняв у Ватикані Президента Кот-Д’Івуару - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 13:22:00 +0200
Ce scriu italienii despre Dennis Man, care a făcut slalom printre adversari și a înscris pentru Parma: „Părea a fi prologul pentru o nouă evoluție dezamăgitoare” - Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:18:41 +0300 استكمال طريق الظهران - العقير - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:25:00 +0300
王岐山將出席英國女王葬禮 中國代表團到西敏宮吊唁的外交和政治風波 - BBC - Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:20:20 GMT Peter Obi’s supporters ground Bayelsa with one million-man march - Daily Post Nigeria - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:11:15 GMT
Nicolas Waldorf : il abandonne ses ciseaux de coiffeur pour devenir comédien ! - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 19:00:00 +0200 海南昨日新增本土确诊病例5例本土无症状感染者6例 - 环球网 - Sat, 17 Sep 2022 22:06:00 GMT
Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Headlines: 6 charts that show how money and influence shaped the world's Covid plan - translate - Four leading health organizations played a major part in envisioning and founding critical programs to develop, secure and distribute Covid tests, vaccines and treatments. - Politico - By ANNETTE CHOI and ERIN BANCO - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT
Headlines: BILL GATES - translate - News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO - SAIL

Politico EU - BILL GATES - translate

Headlines: How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight - translate - Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found. - SAIL - By ERIN BANCO, ASHLEIGH FURLONG and LENNART PFAHLER - 09/14/2022 10:00 PM EDT

Politico EU - Meet the world’s most powerful doctor: Bill Gates - translate - BY NATALIE HUET AND CARMEN PAUN - MAY 4, 2017 12:00 PM

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